Legal address: 125493, Moscow, Pulkovskaya street, 4, building 1

Production address: 7a Kosmonavtov str., Kovrov, Vladimir region, 601907

Opening hours: 8:00-17:00, lunch 12:00-13:00

General phone number: 8 (499) 504 88 74

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Social networks and messengers


Employee contacts

Lebedev Sergey Nikolaevich

General manager

t. 8 (499) 504 88 74

Nechaev Vladimir Nikolaevich

Technical Director

t. 8 (499) 504 88 74

Omekhina Anna Vladimirovna

Chief accountant

t. 8 (499) 504 88 74


Sales Department

Zolotova Olga Yurievna

Head of Sales Department

Multiline phone: 8 (499) 504-88-74, add.6

Mobile phone: 8 (915) 766-85-06

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Anshakova Lyubov Gennadievna

Sales Department Manager

Multiline phone: 8 (499) 504-88-74, add.6

Mobile phone: 8 (980) 751-56-02

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Fedorkina Maria Sergeevna

Sales Department Manager

Multiline phone: 8 (499) 504-88-74, add.6

Mobile phone: 8 (910) 037-97-03

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Kuznetsova Julia Yurievna

Marketing Manager

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Supply Department

Gimadeeva Natalia Andreevna

Head of the Supply Department

t. 8 (915) 765 21 29

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Shlakina Ekaterina Valeryevna

Supply Manager

t. 8 (915) 765 21 43

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Kosenkova Ekaterina Sergeevna

Supply Manager

t. 8 (910) 774 70 17

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